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Thursday, June 17, 2010


Jules Verne would be ressurected to tell the tale I am narrating now..but being the kind hearted soul I am I let his aging bones Rest In Peace!!!!!!!!

Was I to believe him in earnest in his intention to penetrate to the centre of this massive globe? Had I been listening to the mad speculations of a lunatic, or to the scientific conclusions of a lofty genius? Where did truth stop? Where did error begin?

Well the error had been made and the truth had stopped to exist....and the lunatic mind had taken over my lofty genius...and penetrate the centre of this massive globe we decided to do!!!

Six hours of waiting left for Lil John and time was not meant to be wasted...we decided to explore the vent of the island...the shafts Jules Verne believed led to the centre of our massive globe....the dormant volcano this island was...its very entity...its existance!!!!!

We decided to enter the womb...the place we come from and the place we end up in from this 800 metere crater called THE QUILL..the feathered pen!!!!
Scared more with what Lil Johns reaction to us would be than entering a dormant volcano we managed a guide and decided to see the core of our earth!!!
Managing the gradual 350 metre climb to where the crater was to descend to the centre of the earth!!!
It was easy...the people who had attempted to reach there before us couldnt have been the experienced trekkers we offence meant....may their souls rest in peace!!
We had reached the tip...halfway to our destination...
Reaching the top we decided to look down...a bunch of monkeys sitting on a tree and chattering reminding us of where we had originated from...n look down we did!!!!
It was a steep smooth wall like creation going down n down n down....its walls ravined with volcanic ash tht had frozen into a rock like substance...little paths running across it!!!! At that point of time I would rather have gone back a million years to become our tailed ancestor cause the moment they saw us peeping down they jumped into the crater running through the ravines and disappearing into the depths and taunting us with the fact that had we really evolved from them...or just degenerated into regressive humans!!!!
which ever way,i was in a tough spot having convinced the balance of the team against their wishes with rewards of seeing the centre of the earth!!! How was I to back out now??? The simplest excuse would have been to remind them of Lil Johns existance...but in times of dire need the human mind normally ceases to exist...another truth had unfolded on me!!
with little or no vegetation showing and the smooth inner sides of the volcano taunting us the guide kind of got enthusiastic and started his descent!!!
Ten USD for serving us as a delicacy..Carribean roasted Indians...the island was to have a meal on us if we slipped and the lava still existed!!!
fair deal
We followed suit FOR ABOUT 50 METRES...the beauty of nature and its massive power awed us into proceeding without thinking...the black walls with grey streaks running through them...fossilised insects and plants clearly visible...i closed my eyes and with a furor like never before burst out...."LADIES AND GENTLEMEN...I GIVE TO YOU THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH"
With those words i had broken all barriers...made this world into a smaller and more accessible place...united its population into being one!!!!
And our adventure was over...we decided that what our ancestors could do now with ease was too easy for us and not a challenge anymore and that instead we needed to satiate our hunger all this trekking had caused and head back and prepare for Lil John.
And we turned back with a tale to tell our grandchildren as to how we had travelled and seen the very core of our existance in this unverse!!!!
Lil John was a little more difficult to handle..but alls well that ends well!!!
We got our freedom and our Dinghy permission to redock....
As we Headed back chopping the waves and being tossed around like a popcorn in a microwave... I looked back at the Island in all its simplicity hoping that one day i would return to it....I HAD FORGOTTEN TO PUT A FLAG WITH MY CREDENTIALS ON IT AT THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH!!!!!

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